@extends('layouts.app') @section('content')

{{ __('Dashboard') }}

{{ __('Latest history') }}

@if( $latestHistory ) @foreach ( (array)$latestHistory as $history )
{{ $history['title'] }}
{{ __('Contract name') }}: {{ $history['contractName'] }}
{{ $history['date'] }}
@endforeach show all activities @else There are no activities yet
When you created your first contract, and something happened with it, you can see that events here. @endif

{{ __('Contracts') }}

@if( $contracts ) @foreach ( $contracts as $contract )
{{ $contract['name'] }}
{{ $contract['statusLabel'] ? $contract['statusLabel'] : $contract['status'] }}
{{ date('Y-m-d', strtotime($contract['date'])) }}
@endforeach show all contracts
{{ __('+ create new contract') }}
@else There are no activities yet
When you created your first contract, and something happened with it, you can see that events here. @endif @endsection